
Perscribed - Jittery

As with anyone else who grew up on Ritalin I am only distracted by bright shiny things and mayhem, thus my severe fascination with explodynesses’s. Coupled with the Ritalin directed geek hood I am essentially a pair of Penny Loafers away from an abandoned farmhouse in Indiana and a cement truck full of gasoline.

My childhood was spent writing up D&D characters and melting G.I. Joe’s with neighbors’ lighter fluid. In the metro area a wonderful loophole allowed dime stores (a now extinct thing) to sell minors mild explosives during the celebration of telling England to GO FUCK IT’S SELF but did not allow said explosives to be used anywhere said minor could freely travel without the knowledge of more responsible individuals.

Answer to problem; fuck what the laws say, let’s go shove smoke bombs in people’s houses!!

Ah, miscreant youth…

As I progressed to the age of incarceration my explody exploitation became more cerebral. Case in point. The never completed ‘Akane blows up the world’ montage which I began in high school.

This 30 second low quality splicing extravaganza brilliantly showcases my lack of friends and non-nerd hobbies as I picked over my VHS copies of Ranma ½ for scenes with which to splice one of the characters doing something with the nuclear explosion from Akira.

At one point my love of explody became extreme as I turned Anarchist to celebrate my freshman year of high school and entertained Death by Cop scenarios resulting in the Sears Tower exploding. My reputation at school had preceded me and, dating myself here, I was thoroughly grilled by my peers in regards to my whereabouts on April 19th, 1995.

Eventually I realized Anarchy was too restrictive and contended my self with putting my head inside of subwoofers at Hardcore shows for the remainder of the decade. I think that actually did wonders to my personality, that and the ayahuasca.

On a side note...kitty gets a taquito!!

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