Even though I am a Democrat leaning radical there is one thing I don’t agree on and that is illegal immigration. Aside from the Native Americans all of us in the states are immigrants or the product of immigrants, this is true. So how can I be against illegal immigrants? Easy, the term illegal.
I may not have a lot of value in the United States of America as this beacon of world justice, equity and the way to live as a gOD fearing human being…no. I’m American by birth not be choice. So I’m not saying that people shouldn’t come into
But there is a process that needs to be gone through in each country for an ex-patriot to become a legal citizen or temporary alien within said country of choice. Every single country in the world has rules relating to these ideas and according to the laws of each country that government expects ex-patriots to follow the laws and go through the required processes for citizenship or extended residency.
Look, people who enter a country illegally to try and make their lives a little easier know exactly what they are doing, they are entering a country ILLEGALLY and when/if they are caught by the authorities they have to understand they will be deported to their country of origin at a minimum.
In regards to illegal immigrants and their rights there isn’t much they are rightfully due in accordance to laws that govern and protect established and legal citizens. There are laws and protocols that are, or should be, generally understood in much of the world in humanly dealing with illegal immigrants. Illegal immigrants, in the terms of humanitarian means should not be treated harshly or tortured because they do not afford the rights of a legal citizen. If the only reason they are in custody is because they are illegal there is no reason for any law enforcement agent to treat them as anything other than a minor offender.
But, if someone is found in the country illegally then the only option, THE ONE AND ONLY POSSIBLE OUTCOME BY THE LAW, is deportation back to their country of origin. PERIOD!!!
What is wrong with this? Why is this an issue? This is not racial profiling or anti anyone, the only anti it is, is anti-ILLEGAL ALIEN. Whether Russian, Sudanese, Mexican or Californian, if you illegally enter the United States of America and reside with in it for ANY amount of time as an illegal alien you should promptly be returned to the country you retain citizenship status in.
Now there are a few cases were leniency or complications can take place. The biggest one with many protestors is the idea of an illegal alien with children who are legal citizens. In cases such as these, there should be and probably are to an extent, allowances for the speed in which deportation takes place as well as the speed in the legalization process. Children born in the
If someone is in the country 10 years illegally and when they are finally caught and they start bitching about not given the opportunity to become legal…shame on them, they had 10 years to work through that process. If there is a network that is extensive and supportive that they rely on to find employment, residency and even licensing as an illegal, they sure as hell can get access to a network that will safely help them through the legalization process.
Beyond due process of law afforded to an illegal alien in the terms of their illegal residency with in the country or in some cases criminal litigation for additional crimes committed, illegal citizens do not have additional rights beyond human rights. I can see where the wacko conservative ass holes are right in the sense that illegal aliens should not be provided anything with tax money beyond the costs associated with their deportation. They should not be provided an attorney is they can not afford one, they should not receive welfare, and they should not receive any form of government subsidized assistance afforded to citizens of the country they are with in. Period. This has nothing to do with whether or not they pay taxes as illegal workers, it has everything to do with the fact they are illegal.
With out counting the number of times I have written illegal in this post I can’t stress it enough. ILLEGAL = ILLEGAL, against the law, done with the understanding of deceit. Breaking rules that govern the entity. The law says, any person who has entered the country illegally shall be returned to their country of origin.
Instead of foolishly fighting against the deportation of illegal aliens, everyone needs to start protesting about the bureaucracy involved with naturalization/citizenship. If you are for everyone being able to easily enter and reside and work and live within this country than fight for everyone to be able to do that legally easier than it currently is.
I know naturalization in this country isn’t an easy process, to some extent it makes sense, we can’t let everyone in, some of them are crazy…you just get a free pass if you were born here crazy!!!